
Stonk O Tracker AMC: A Useful Tool for AMC Investors

If you are an investor in AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. (AMC), you may be interested in a website called Stonk O Tracker AMC. This website is a data aggregator that provides various information and statistics related to AMC stock, such as trading volume, borrowed shares availability, shorted volume, fails to deliver, and options data.

What is Stonk O Tracker AMC?

Stonk O Tracker AMC is a website set up by an unknown developer (likely a Redditor) who saw the need for a one-stop shop when it came to tracking data for AMC and GME. The site includes specific data that would be relevant to investors, mostly focusing on the current short positions in the market.

The website gets its name from the term “stonk”, which is a slang word for stock that originated from a meme. The term is often used by retail investors who are bullish on certain stocks, such as AMC and GME, that are heavily shorted by hedge funds and institutional investors. The term “o tracker” implies that the website tracks the data related to these stocks.

The website updates its data regularly from various sources, such as Finra, SEC, Ortex, Yahoo Finance, and others. The website also provides links to other useful resources, such as Reddit communities, Twitter accounts, YouTube channels, podcasts, and news articles related to AMC and GME.

How to Read and Use Stonk O Tracker AMC?

Stonk O Tracker AMC has a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to quickly and easily access the data they need. The website has different tabs for different types of data, such as trading volume, borrowed shares availability, shorted volume, fails to deliver, and option data. Each tab has a chart or a table that displays the data in a visual or numerical format. Users can also filter the data by date range or other criteria.

Here are some of the main types of data that Stonk O Tracker AMC provides and how to read and use them:

  • Trading volume: This tab shows the trading volume reported per 30 minutes for AMC stock. Trading volume is the number of shares traded during a given period of time. It indicates the level of activity and interest in the stock. Users can also see the short percentage, which is the amount of volume shorted; the short exempt volume, which are the amount of short sales exempted from the uptick rule; and the dark pool percentage, which shows trading volume through dark pools. Dark pools are private exchanges that allow large investors to trade anonymously without affecting the market price.
  • Borrowed shares availability: This tab shows the overview of borrowed shares availability for AMC stock. Borrowed shares are shares that are borrowed by short sellers from lenders who own the shares. Short sellers sell these borrowed shares in the hope of buying them back at a lower price later and returning them to the lenders. Borrowed shares availability indicates how many shares are available to borrow for short selling. Users can also see the fee, which is the cost of borrowing the shares; and the ETF availability, which is a sum of the main ETFs with AMC exposure.
  • Option data: This tab shows the call/put contracts in the money (ITM) for AMC stock. Options are contracts that give buyers the right but not the obligation to buy or sell an underlying asset at a specified price within a specified time period. Calls are options that give buyers the right to buy an asset; puts are options that give buyers the right to sell an asset. ITM means that the option has intrinsic value; i.e., it would be profitable to exercise it at the current market price. Option data indicates how many contracts are ITM or out of the money (OTM) for different expiry dates.
  • Fails to deliver: This tab shows the fails to deliver data for AMC stock. Fails to deliver are contracts that did not execute in time. These are reported by the SEC (securities exchange commission) and are updated when available. This tab shows how many contracts failed to execute and at what closing price they failed.

Why is Stonk O Tracker AMC Useful for AMC Investors?

Stonk O Tracker AMC is a useful tool for AMC investors because it provides them with relevant and reliable data that can help them make informed decisions about their investments. The data can help investors monitor the market activity, sentiment, and trends related to AMC stock. The data can also help investors identify potential opportunities or risks associated with AMC stock.

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For example, investors can use Stonk O Tracker AMC to:

  • Track trading volume: Investors can use trading volume data to gauge the demand and supply for AMC stock. High trading volume indicates high interest and liquidity in the stock, which can drive the price up or down. Low trading volume indicates low interest and liquidity in the stock, which can make the price more volatile or stagnant. Investors can also use short percentage, short exempt volume, and dark pool percentage data to estimate the level of short selling and hidden trading activity in the market.
  • Track borrowed shares availability: Investors can use borrowed shares availability data to estimate the level of short interest and pressure in the market. Low borrowed shares availability indicates high short interest and demand for borrowing shares, which can create a supply shortage and drive the price up. High borrowed shares availability indicates low short interest and demand for borrowing shares, which can create a supply surplus and drive the price down. Investors can also use fee and ETF availability data to assess the cost and availability of borrowing shares from different sources.
  • Track option data: Investors can use option data to estimate the level of bullish and bearish sentiment and expectations in the market. High call ITM contracts indicate high bullish sentiment and expectations, which can create a positive feedback loop and drive the price up. High put ITM contracts indicate high bearish sentiment and expectations, which can create a negative feedback loop and drive the price down. Investors can also use option data to identify potential catalysts or events that could affect the price movement of AMC stock.
  • Track fails to deliver: Investors can use fails to deliver data to estimate the level of market inefficiency and manipulation in the market. High fails to deliver indicate high market inefficiency and manipulation, which can create a discrepancy between the actual and reported supply and demand for AMC stock. This can lead to price distortion and volatility. Low fails to deliver indicate low market inefficiency and manipulation, which can create a more accurate and transparent market for AMC stock.


Stonk O Tracker AMC is a website that provides various information and statistics related to AMC stock, such as trading volume, borrowed shares availability, shorted volume, fails to deliver, and option data. The website is a data aggregator that updates its data regularly from various sources. The website is a useful tool for AMC investors because it provides them with relevant and reliable data that can help them make informed decisions about their investments. The website also provides links to other useful resources related to AMC and GME. If you want to know more about Stonk O Tracker AMC, you can visit its website or contact it using its contact form .

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